Our Corporate Logo
Homeschool Global is focused on turning learning into a rich, worthwhile experience for their families. Our stylized round emblem alludes to the home as a safe and ideal environment for learning—books on all sides, windows and doors that open up to the best opportunities to learn, a roof of protection against the dangers of ignorance and misconceptions. The spherical shape is to emphasize our global reach—after all our families are found all over the world. By partnering with us you will have the power to homeschool anytime, anywhere in the world using the best curriculum available in whatever format you choose...so learning is better.
The mission that energizes us:
To help families all over the world achieve true success through world-class, parent-led, home-based Christian education.
The vision that propels us forward:
To see countless families transformed by Jesus,
through homeschooling, impacting the world through generations